Blog Archive | 2019

Do CEOs really have time to waste on emotional intelligence?

Posted on December 14, 2019 by Paul O'Dea


Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, is famously critical of the workplace with his cynical cartoons.  He entertains millions with his experiences of jargon-filled corporate speak and the lack of emotionally honest messages.


Posted in: LeadershipCeoStartupsAdviceTeam Development

Why the autumn term is a good time for Growth Planning

Posted on September 29, 2019 by Emer O'Donnell

Autumn Growth Planning

There is something about the autumn term; fresh new schoolbooks, new pencils and leaves falling from the trees. For most of us, as far back as early childhood, autumn represents a fresh start.


Posted in: Growth PlanningBusiness GrowthBusiness Growth Transformation

Tyranny of the major customer - fire them, it will make you stronger

Posted on May 08, 2019 by Paul O'Dea

Tyranny of the major customer

We all love the certainty of the solid revenue that comes from a big customer. It gives us credibility with other prospects. It pays a lot of salaries. Occasionally we reflect on the risk to our business if they left us...most of the time we don't.


Posted in: CustomerPerformance

A novel approach...closing that all-important first reference customer

Posted on March 13, 2019 by Paul O'Dea

Embassy - American Embassy, DublinAmerican Embassy, Dublin

Winning the first international reference site is tough. The normal rules don't apply. Greg Turley (Cartrawler) told a great story recently which has become known as the 'embassy close'.


Posted in: Startups Closing The First Deal

Feedback - seeking it out

Posted on January 05, 2019 by Emer O'Donnell

Feedback-Seeking it out

I seem to be having a lot of conversations about feedback recently. I’ve been struck by how many people work in a feedback vacuum. Despite a growing ‘feedback’ culture, for many, the only real feedback they get is at their annual performance review. For others, particularly leaders in a business, they don’t even get this.


Posted in: Feedback